Oximachinerunner API reference

Implements methods to use oximachine as part of a Python package

class oximachinerunner.OximachineRunner(modelname='all', automatic_download=True)[source]

Bases: object

Loads a model and then runs the prediction

__init__(modelname='all', automatic_download=True)[source]
  • modelname (str, optional) – [description]. Defaults to ‘all’. Use it to specifiy a model. You can view all available models with the .available_models property

  • automatic_download (bool, optional) – [description]. Defaults to True.


Return repr(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

property available_models

List all the available models.

Return type


property default_mapping

Return the default mapping between model name and filename

Return type

Dict[str, str]

property feature_names

Get a list of feature names

Return type


property featureset

Return the list of feature names

Return type



Load the model and populate the namespace with the model objects.

property model

Return the model object with .predict method


Runs oximachine after attempting to guess what structure is

  • structure (Union[str, os.PathLike, Structure, Atoms]) –

  • be a pymatgen.Structure (can) –

  • or a filepath as str or (ase.Atoms) –

  • os.PathLike

  • we then attempt to parse with pymatgen. (which) –

  • ParsingError – In case the format of structure is not implemented or in case we cannot convert the input into a pymatgen Structure object.

  • FeaturizationError – In case the featurization fails.

  • PredictionError – In case the prediction fails.


with the keys metal_indices, metal_symbols,

prediction, max_probas, base_predictions

Return type


property scaler

Return the scaler object with .transform method

Some general utility functions for the oxidation state mining project

class oximachinerunner.utils.SymbolNameDict[source]

Bases: object

Parses the periodic table json and returns a dictionary with symbol: longname


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Iterates over keys and returns the symbol: name dict.

oximachinerunner.utils.cbk_for_urlretrieve(a, b, c)[source]

Callback function for showing process


The number of electrons to donate to achieve 18 electrons might be an interesting descriptor, though there are more stable electron configurations


Download model and scaler

oximachinerunner.utils.download_model(url, destination, md5)[source]
Downloads file from url to destination

and checks md5 hash

  • url (str) – URL

  • destination (Union[Path, str]) – Path to which the downloaded file will be saved

  • md5 (str) – Expected md5 hash

  • Exception – [description]

  • Exception – [description]


Yield items from any nested iterable; see Reference.


Returns True if there is a metal in the structure.


Gets the md5 hash of a file

oximachinerunner.utils.model_exists(path, md5)[source]

Checks whether a model if the expected md5 hash exists at the path


Does what it says. Nothing more and nothing less. Takes a pickle file path and unpickles it

Defining custom exceptions for OximachineRunner

exception oximachinerunner.errors.FeaturizationError[source]

Bases: oximachinerunner.errors.OximachineRunnerException

Error that is thrown if the featurization fails

exception oximachinerunner.errors.ModelNotFoundError[source]

Bases: oximachinerunner.errors.OximachineRunnerException

Error that is thrown if the model could not be found

exception oximachinerunner.errors.NoMetalError[source]

Bases: oximachinerunner.errors.OximachineRunnerException

Error that is thrown if there is no metal in the structure

exception oximachinerunner.errors.OximachineRunnerException[source]

Bases: Exception

General class for oximachine errors


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

exception oximachinerunner.errors.ParsingError[source]

Bases: oximachinerunner.errors.OximachineRunnerException

Error that is thrown if we cannot convert the structure into a pymatgen Structure object

exception oximachinerunner.errors.PredictionError[source]

Bases: oximachinerunner.errors.OximachineRunnerException

Error that is thrown if the prediction fails